Προειδοποιήσεις, Schapbachriedel

Πάγος ή παγωμένη βροχή

5/1 8:00 π.μ. 08:00 – 5/1 3:00 μ.μ. 15:00

Official SEVERE WEATHER WATCH for BLACK ICE There is a high potential for the development of black ice. This is an early advisory for the potential development of severe weather, so that appropriate preparations and precautions can be made in good time. For more information please visit https://www.dwd.de/recommendations-watch The severe weather in question is expected to occur over a wide area. More precise information about place, extent and timing will be available as soon as official severe weather warnings are in place. We advise you to pay careful attention to forecast updates. We advise you to pay careful attention to forecast updates.

DWD, Deutscher Wetterdienst


5/1 1:00 π.μ. 01:00 – 6/1 2:00 μ.μ. 14:00

Official WARNING of GALE-FORCE GUSTS There is a risk of gale-force gusts (level 2 of 4). Height range: > 1500 m; Max. gusts: 70-80 km/h; Wind direction: south-west; Increased gusts: in exposed locations < 90 km/h Hazard(s) caused by: single branches falling; objects flying through the air. Recommendations for what to do: Secure free-standing objects (e.g. screens and furniture). For example, fasten tents and coverings. Watch out for falling objects outdoors (e.g. branches).

DWD, Deutscher Wetterdienst


4/1 8:00 μ.μ. 20:00 – 7/1 7:00 π.μ. 07:00

Official WARNING of STORM-FORCE GUSTS There is a risk of storm-force gusts (level 2 of 4). Height range: > 2000 m; Max. gusts: < 90 km/h; Wind direction: south-west; Increased gusts: in exposed locations < 100 km/h Hazard(s) caused by: single falling trees; objects falling to the ground. Recommendations for what to do: Secure scaffolding and free-standing objects (e.g. screens and platforms/stages). For example, fasten tents and coverings or, if there is enough time, take them down completely. Watch out for falling objects (e.g. large branches, roof tiles) and seek shelter if possible.

DWD, Deutscher Wetterdienst


4/1 11:00 μ.μ. 23:00 – 5/1 5:00 π.μ. 05:00

Official WARNING of LIGHT SNOWFALL There is a risk of light snowfall (level 1 of 4). Precipitation amounts: 1-5 cm Hazard(s) to expect: slippery ground. Recommendations for what to do: Adapt your behaviour in road traffic (snow/icy surfaces, possibly reduced visibility).

DWD, Deutscher Wetterdienst

Πάγος ή παγωμένη βροχή

5/1 2:00 π.μ. 02:00 – 5/1 10:00 π.μ. 10:00

Official WARNING of SIGNIFICANT ICY SURFACES There is an increased risk of black ice due to freezing rain (level 2 of 4). Hazard(s) caused by: black ice. Recommendations for what to do: Avoid staying outside or travelling for unnecessary reasons - adapt behaviour in road traffic. Be prepared for delays and disruptions.

DWD, Deutscher Wetterdienst

Χαμηλή θερμοκρασία

4/1 5:00 μ.μ. 17:00 – 5/1 9:00 π.μ. 09:00

Official WARNING of FROST There is a risk of frost (level 1 of 2). Minimum temperature: -5 - -9 °C Hazard(s) to expect: possible frost damage. Recommendations for what to do: If necessary, take precautions against frost.

DWD, Deutscher Wetterdienst

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