21/12 11:00 μ.μ. 23:00 – 25/12 11:00 π.μ. 11:00
Fresh snow between 50 and 100 cm is possible. BE PREPARED for widespread snow and/or ice leading to disruption to road, rail and air transport and outdoor activities.
ZAMGτις επόμενες 24 ώρες
Ο καιρός στον κόσμο σήμερα
+9° 48°
+5° 41°
-7° 19°
+8° 46°
+5° 41°
+1° 34°
+6° 43°
+7° 45°
-2° 28°
+15° 59°
Η πιο ζεστή & πιο κρύα
Roebourne, Australië
+44.7° 112°
Port Moresby, Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea
+36.1° 97°
Phuket, Thailand
+32.4° 90°
Kariba, Zimbabwe
+32° 90°
Parit Buntar, Maleisië
+32° 90°
Fuyuan, China
-23.6° -10°
Circle, Verenigde Staten
-31.7° -25°
Ulaangom, Mongolië
-33° -27°
Pond Inlet, Canada
-34° -29°
Vstrechnyy, Rusland
-39° -38°