5/1 9:00 μ.μ. 21:00 – 6/1 9:00 μ.μ. 21:00
Official WARNING of WIND GUSTS There is a risk of wind gusts (level 1 of 4). Max. gusts: < 60 km/h; Wind direction: south; Increased gusts: in exposed locations ~ 70 km/h Hazard(s) to expect: light objects flying through the air. Recommendations for what to do: Secure loose objects. For example, fasten tents and coverings.
DWD, Deutscher WetterdienstΠάγος ή παγωμένη βροχή
7/1 3:00 π.μ. 03:00 – 7/1 9:00 π.μ. 09:00
Official WARNING of ICY SURFACES There is a risk of icy surfaces (level 1 of 4). Height range: > 800 m Hazard(s) to expect: slippery ground. Recommendations for what to do: Adapt your behaviour in road traffic.
DWD, Deutscher Wetterdienstτις επόμενες 24 ώρες
Ο καιρός στον κόσμο σήμερα
+12° 54°
+3° 37°
-3° 27°
+7° 45°
+7° 45°
+15° 59°
+10° 50°
+4° 39°
+9° 48°
+24° 75°
Η πιο ζεστή & πιο κρύα
Morolica, Honduras
+36° 97°
Somotillo, Nikaragua
+36° 97°
Nueva Concepción, El Salvador
+34° 93°
Bella Vista, Paraguay
+33° 91°
Morazán, Guatemala
+28° 82°
Murghob, Tádžikistán
-30.4° -23°
Prudhoe Bay, Spojené státy
-30.6° -23°
Ulaangom, Mongolsko
-34.9° -31°
Rankin Inlet, Kanada
-37° -35°
Suntar, Rusko
-41.2° -42°